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Messin' with Squatch


Through Squatch's Eyes

So... You came to poke the Squatch?


Well I did too and now look at me. Be prepared to be consumed by all things hairy should you proceed; for the forests of the Pacific North West (PNW) hold mysterious legends beckoning our curiosity.


After having travelled around Northwest Oregon and Southwest Washington, I have come to the conclusion that my personal beliefs do not matter and even if Squatch doesn't exist physically, the elusive furball has made its home into the minds and hearts of every inhabitant that has settled in the PNW forests for many centuries. "Squatch", as the locals call it, is every bit as real as we want it to be. No more, no less.


Take a curious journey with me and learn more about the secrets and exploitations of the PNW mascot, Squatch. Oregon and Washington are filled with a deep history of folklore surrounding this legendary beast and I will do my best to guide us on this adventure.





Whispers from Beyond

Hey you.. Over here...

Ladies and gentlemen, gather 'round for a tale of love, mystery, and a creature so elusive it makes finding your keys seem like child's play. Picture this: a moonlit forest, the scent of pine in the air, and your heart pounding like a drummer in a rock band. Why? Because tonight, we're delving into the enchanting world of those who've dared to fall head over heels for the one and only... Bigfoot. That's right, move over, Cupid, there's a new hairy heartthrob in town, and he's got more charm than a sasquatch in a tuxedo!


Legend has it that Sasquatch's Native American origins are as legendary as his oversized footprints. According to ancient tales, Sasquatch wasn't just a mysterious forest dweller; he was the OG wilderness influencer, teaching tribes the art of stealthy fashion with his leafy loincloth and natural camo ensemble. Native American elders would gather around the fire, swapping stories of Sasquatch's epic dance-offs with coyotes and his unbeatable skills in hide-and-seek. Some even say that Sasquatch was the original life coach, whispering words of wisdom to tribal leaders about embracing the wild side and avoiding haircare products – after all, who needs gel when you've got the wind rustling through your majestic fur?

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